
Economic Survey Series – II

Economic Survey, State of Economy, Indian Economy, GDP, GVA, Retail Inflation, Current Account Defic…

Sustainable Aviation

Aviation, Sustainable Aviation, Air Turbine Fuel, ATF, Sustainable Aviation Fuel, SAF, UPSC

Status of Deforestation

Deforestation, State of the World’s Forests, SOFO, FAO, Global Forest Resources Assessment, Defore…

Economic Survey Series - I

Economic Survey, Department of Economic Affairs, Chief Economic Advisor, 2023-24 Economic Survey, Is…

Internationalisation of Education

Internationalization of education, AISHE, All India Survey on Higher Education, Balance of Payment, …

Patent Applications and Clearances in India

Patent, Rights of Patent Holder, Obligations of Patentees, Bakshi Tekchand Committee, Rajagopal Ayya…

India's Capital Goods Sector

Capital Goods, Capital Goods Sector, Consumer Goods, Electronics Industry, Export Transaction Costs,…

RTE in Private Schools

Right to Education, RTE, Article 21A , Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education, RTE in Pr…

UPSC Daily Current Affairs | Prelim Bits 20-07-2024

Bhil tribe, South Eastern Coalfields Limited, U-WIN, Enemy Property, UPSC

Tree Planting for Restoring Ecosystem

Tree Planting, Forest degradation, Ecosystem restoration, climate change, Biodiversity, Ecosystem, F…



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