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Daily Subject wise Quiz Day 112 Environment XIII ( Online Prelims Test)

1) Consider the following statements with respect to National Green Tribunal (NGT)

  1. It is a constitutional body which is established by amending the Article 51-A in 1978.
  2. It is not bounded by Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, but shall be guided by principles of natural justice.

Which of the above statements is/are correct?

a. b. c. d.

2) Which of the following statements is/are correct about Animal Welfare Board of India

  1. It is a statutory body established under the prevention of cruelty to animals act 1960 in 1962.
  2. The nodal ministry of the board is the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.

Select the correct answers using the codes given below

a. b. c. d.

3) Consider the following statements with respect to National Ganga River Basin Authority

  1. It is responsible for the implementation of the national mission for Clean Ganga.
  2. One of the Chief Ministers of the States through which the Ganga flows becomes the Chairman of NGRBA on rotation basis.

Which of the above statements is/are incorrect?

a. b. c. d.

4) Which of the following statements is/are correct about National Biodiversity Authority (NBA)

  1. It is a statutory autonomous-s body under the Ministry of Environment regulates sustainable use of biological resources.
  2. It checks the biopiracy and protects the indigenous and traditional genetic resources.

Select the correct answers using the codes given below

a. b. c. d.

5) Which of the following statements is/are correct about Ramsar Convention

  1. According to the convention Wetlands refer to the transitional areas between the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
  2. It is mandatory for any state which has signed the convention to protect and conserve all the wetlands in their respective territories.

Select the correct answers using the codes given below

a. b. c. d.
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