Click here to download | December 2024 - Prelim Bits & One Liners| Prestorming | Mains |
1) According to the Flag Code of India, the national flag is flown at half-mast throughout India only on occasions of state mourning. Which of the following leaders will receive this kind of mourning?
Consider the following codes:
2) Consider the following statements with respect to Good Governance Index (GGI)
Which of the statement(s) mentioned above is/are correct?
3) Yadgir Fort, sometimes recently seen in news is located in which of the following state?
4) Consider the following statements with respect to Pangong Lake
5) Consider the following statements
6) Match the following
Lines Connecting regions
Durand Line - China and India in the Eastern Sector
McMahon Line - Afghanistan and Pakistan
Radcliffe line - India and Pakistan
Consider the codes
7) Consider the following statements with respect to Bletchley Declaration
8) Consider the following statements
India is now the top producer in the Pharmaceutical sector worldwide.
India is the largest supplier of low-cost generics, vaccines and affordable medicines.
Which one of the following is correct in respect of the above statements?
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