
UPSC Daily Current Affairs | Prelim Bits 17-07-2024

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July 17, 2024

Bimetallic NiFe systems

A new study claims that a bimetallic Nickel-Iron layered double hydroxide system is the most efficient for oxygen production through water splitting.

  • Research by - The Institute of Advanced Study in Science and Technology (IASST).
  • Nodal Agency- Department of Science and Technology (DST)
  • Finding- A bimetallic Nickel-Iron layered double hydroxide system efficiently produces O2 through water splitting.
  • It eliminates the need for trimetallic solutions to enhance productivity.

Water splitting is a sustainable and eco-friendly method to generate green and pure H2 and O2 on a large scale without harming flora and fauna.

  • To improve water splitting efficiency, scientists have focused on 2 key reactions i.e.
    • The hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) and
    • The oxygen evolution reaction (OER).
  • Composition and Structure- NiFe systems combine nickel (Ni) and iron (Fe) at the molecular level.
  • NiFe LDHs are structured with positively charged metal hydroxide layers separated by anions and water molecules.
  • This structure provides a high surface area and favorable catalytic sites.
  • Catalytic Properties- NiFe LDHs are highly efficient catalysts for the OER, a crucial step in water splitting.
  • The combination of Ni and Fe improves catalytic activity and stability.
  • Applications- NiFe systems are extensively used in electrochemical cells for splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen.
  • They also explored applications in batteries, supercapacitors, and other energy storage and conversion devices due to their excellent electrochemical properties.
  • Advantages- NiFe systems are made from abundant and inexpensive metals, making them a cost-effective alternative to precious metal catalysts like platinum and iridium.


PIB | Bimetallic NiFe systems


Chandipura virus

Recently 6 children have died due to suspected Chandipura virus Infection (CHPV) in Gujarat.

  • Chandipura virus, aka Chandipura vesiculovirus (CHPV), is an RNA virus.

RNA virus is a virus that has single-stranded as well as double-stranded RNA as its genetic material.

  • It is a noncontagious disease.
  • Virus Family- Rhabdoviridae family.

The Rhabdoviridae family are bullet-shaped, negative-sense single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) viruses which also includes the rabies virus.

  • First identified- In 1965 in Chandipura, Maharashtra.
  • Transmission- Chandipura virus is primarily transmitted through the bite of infected sandflies (genus Phlebotomus).
  • The virus primarily affects children and has been associated with outbreaks of acute encephalitis in India.
  • It is a serious pathogen with a rapid onset of severe symptoms, primarily affecting children in certain regions.
  • The virus resides in the salivary gland of these insects, and can be transmitted to humans or other vertebrates like domestic animals through bites.
    • Vector-borne transmission- The primary mode of transmission is through sandfly bites.
    • Animal reservoirs- Certain animal species may act as reservoirs for the virus, though this is still under investigation.
    • Environmental factors- Outbreaks have been linked to specific environmental conditions that favor the breeding of sandflies.
  • Symptoms - Fever, Headache, Vomiting, Convulsions, Coma.
  • Treatment- There is no specific antiviral treatment or vaccine for Chandipura virus infection.
  • Prevalance of Disease in India- Significant outbreaks of the disease in India were seen in 2003-04 in states such as Maharashtra, northern Gujarat and Andhra Pradesh.
  • The infection has largely remained endemic to the central part of India, where the population of CHPV infection-spreading sandflies and mosquitoes is higher.


Indian Express | Chandipura virus


Governing rules on civil servants

The Centre has formed a single-member committee to review all documents submitted by probationary IAS officer Puja Khedkar for her civil services candidature.

  • All IAS, Indian Police Service (IPS) and Indian Forest Service officers are governed by the All India Services (conduct) Rules, 1968 from the time they are allotted their service, and begin training.
  • AIS (Conduct) Rule 3(1)- Every member of the Service shall always maintain absolute integrity and devotion to duty and shall do nothing unbecoming of a member of the Service.
  • Rule 4(1)- Officers must not use their “position or influence” to “secure employment for any member of his family with any private undertaking or NGO”.
  • Rule 11(1)- Officers may accept gifts from close relatives or friends without official dealings on special occasions but must report gifts over Rs 25,000.
  • Rule 12- It outlines circumstances for discharging probationers, including being found ineligible or unsuitable by the central government, willfully neglecting probationary studies or duties, and lacking necessary qualities of mind and character.  
  • Few sub-rules
  • Officers should maintain high ethical standards,
    • Integrity and honesty;
    • Political neutrality;
    • Accountability and transparency;
    • Responsiveness to the public, particularly to the weaker sections; courtesy and good behavior with the public.
  • They must take a decision solely in the public interest.
  • Declare any private interests relating to his public duties.
  • Not place himself under any financial or other obligations to any individual or organization which may influence him.
  • Not misuse his position as civil servant and not take decisions to derive financial or material benefits for himself, his family or his friends. 


The Indian Express | Rules governing civil servants


Squalus Hima

Scientists from the Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) have discovered a new species Squalus hima from Sakthikulangara fishing harbour in Kerala along the Arabian Sea.

  • It is a newly discovered dogfish shark characterized by smooth dorsal fin spines.
  • It is commonly known as spurdogs.
  • Genus - Squalus and Centrophorus.
  • Family- Squalidae.
  • This species has been largely misidentified with S. mitsukurii and S. Lalannei.
  • Distinction- Squalus hima sp.nov differs from other species by the number of precaudal vertebrae, total vertebrae, teeth count, trunk & head heights, fin structure, and fin color.
  • Apperance It is characterised by an angular short snout, a small mouth almost as wide as the snout, first dorsal fin origin behind the pectoral fins, and body without any spots.
  • Threats - Genus Squalus and Centrophorus contains liver oil that with high levels of squalene (or squalane is when it is processed for products).
  • It is in high demand for pharmaceutical industries, particularly for making high end cosmetic products and anti-cancerous products.

Squalus Hima


The Hindu | Squalus hima


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