
UPSC Daily Current Affairs | Prelim Bits 14-09-2024

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September 14, 2024

Mission Mausam

The Union Cabinet recently approved Mission Mausam with a budget outlay of 2,000 crores over two years.

  • Mission Mausam - It aims to make India ‘Weather Ready’ and ‘Climate Smart’.
  • The mission seeks to enhance the country’s weather and climate observations, understanding, modelling and forecasting.
  • Mission Period - 2024-26.
  • Nodal Ministry - Ministry of Earth Sciences.
  • Implementing Agencies
    • India Meteorological Department(IMD), Mausam Bhavan, New Delhi
    • National Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecasting (NCMRWF), Noida
    •  Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune
  • Objectives
    • Develop Cutting Edge Weather Surveillance Technologies & Systems
    • Implement Higher resolution atmospheric observations with better temporal and spatial sampling/coverage
    • Implement Next-generation radars, and satellites with advanced instrument payloads
    • Implement High-Performance Computers (HPC).
    • Improve understanding of weather and climate processes and prediction capabilities
    • Develop improved earth system models, and data-driven methods (use of AI/ML)
    • Develop Technologies for weather management
    • Develop state-of-art dissemination system for last mile connectivity
    • Capacity building
  • Features – The mission will establish
    • 50 Doppler Weather Radars (DWR)
    • 60 Radio Sonde/Radio Wind (RS/RW) stations
    • 10 Wind Profilers
    • 25 radiometers
    • 1 Urban testbed
    • 1 Process testbed
    • 1 Ocean Research station
    • 10 Marine Automatic Weather Stations with upper air observation.
    • 100 disdrometers.

A disdrometer is a device that measures the size and velocity of falling raindrops, snowflakes, and hail. It can also differentiate between different types of precipitation.

  • Benefits – Mission will  improve forecasts on both spatial and temporal scales and air quality data and help strategize weather management/intervention in the long run.
  • Improved services for weather, climate, and natural hazards


PIB | Project Mausam


Vertical Launch Short Range Surface-to-Air Missile (VLSRSAM)

Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) and the Indian Navy successfully conducted back-to-back flight tests of the Vertical Launch Short Range Surface-to-Air Missile (VLSRSAM).

  • VL SRSAM – It is the  indigenously built short-range surface-to-air missile.
  • It is a ship-borne weapon system designed to neutralise various aerial threats at close ranges, including sea-skimming targets.
  • Missile Developed by - Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).
  • Operational range – 80 Km
  • Flight altitude - 16 km (52,000 ft)
  • Maximum speed - Mach 4.5
  • Guidance Technology- During mid-course flight, the missile uses fibre-optic gyroscope based inertial guidance mechanism while in terminal phase uses active radar homing.
  • VLS - Each Vertical Launch System (VLS) can hold forty missiles in a twin quad-pack canister configuration.
  • Replacing Barak - VL-SRSAM intended to replace older Barak 1 surface to air missile system onboard Indian Navy warships.
  • Flight Test - The flight test was carried out from a land-based vertical launcher, targeting a high-speed aerial target flying at a low altitude.
  • The missile system successfully tracked and engaged the target.
  • Testing site - Integrated Test Range (ITR) in Chandipur, off the coast of Odisha.




G20 Agriculture Ministerial Meeting

India Participated in G20 Agriculture Ministerial Meeting in Cuiabá, Brazil.

  • 2024 G 20 Presidency - Brazil has assumed the presidency of the G20 until November 2024.
  • G20 Countries - Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea, Turkey, United Kingdom, and United States.

G20 Agriculture Ministerial Meeting

  • Agriculture Ministerial Meeting - It is aimed to promote international cooperation in addressing critical issues for global agriculture such as food security, sustainable agriculture, technological innovation, and climate change adaptation.
  • Venue - Cuiabá, Brazil.
  • Priority Areas – The meeting centred around Four key priority areas for global agriculture.
  • Sustainability - Sustainability of agriculture and food systems in their multiple paths
  • International Trade - Enhancing international trade's contribution to food security and nutrition
  • Inclusiveness - Elevating the essential role of family farmers, smallholders, indigenous peoples and local communities in sustainable, resilient and inclusive agriculture and food systems
  • Aquaculture - Promote the integration of sustainable fisheries and aquaculture into local and global value chains.


PIB | India Participates in G20 Agriculture Ministerial Meeting


Herpetofauna Survey

The first-ever preliminary herpetofauna survey conducted in Grass Hills National Park and Karian Shola National Park.

  • Key Findings- The survey revealed rich biodiversity, identifying 20 species of reptiles and 34 species of amphibians.
  • Grass Hills National Park
    • It is a protected area located in the Anamalai Hills of Tamil Nadu, India.
    • Recorded 11 reptile species and 12 amphibian species.
    • Montane shola grassland ecosystem unique to the Western Ghats.
  • Karian Shola National Park
    • It is part of the Anamalai Tiger Reserve in Tamil Nadu, featuring tropical rainforest ecosystems.
    • Recorded 9 reptile species and 22 amphibian species.
    • Grassland surrounded by semi-evergreen and deciduous forest.

Anamalai Tiger Reserve is located in the Western Ghats of Tamil Nadu, India.  It also encompasses important ecological zones like the Grass Hills and Karian Shola.

  • Critically endangered and endangered species
    • Anaimalai flying frog (Rhacophorus pseudomalabaricus).
    • Deccan night frog (Nyctibatrachus deccanensis).
    • Cold stream torrent frog (Micrixalus frigidus).
    • Resplendent Shrubfrog (Raorchestes resplendens).
  • Rare and newly described reptiles
    • Three-lined Shieldtail (Platyplectrurus trilineatus), last seen in 2018.
    • Anamudi dwarf gecko (Cnemaspis anamudiensis), first report since discovery.
    • Newly described species: Cnemaspis anaimalaiensis and Tail-spot Shieldtail (Uropeltis caudomaculata).
  • Other notable amphibians
    • Star-eyed ghat frog (Ghatixalus asterops).
    • Green-eyed bush frog (Raorchestes chlorosomma).
    • Kodaikanal bush frog (Raorchestes dubois).
    • Yellow-bellied bush frog (Raorchestes flaviventris).
    • Legless amphibian Ichthyophis tricolor.
    • Tadpoles of the evolutionary distinct Purple frog (Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis).
  • Ecological significance- Nearly 85% of the species recorded are endemic to the Western Ghats.
  • Many species are restricted to the Anamalai sub-cluster, highlighting the region's unique biodiversity.


The Hindu | Herpetofauna Survey



49 people killed in Ukraine's Poltava after Russia Launches 2 Ballistic Missiles recently.

  • Poltava is a city in east-central Ukraine.
  • It is located 300 kilometres east of Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine.
  • It lies along the Vorskla River.
  • History
    • Archaeological evidence dates the city from the 8th to the 9th century, although the first documentary reference is from 1174, when it was variously known as Oltava or Ltava.
    • Destroyed by the Tatars in the early 13th century, it was the centre of a Cossack regiment by the 17th century.
    • In 1709 Peter I the Great inflicted a crushing defeat on Charles XII of Sweden outside Poltava after Charles had laid siege to the town for 3 months.
    • In 1802 it became a provincial centre.


  • The modern city of Poltava is largely new, having been reconstructed after it suffered severe damage during World War II.


NDTV | Ukraine's Poltava after Russia Launches 2 Ballistic Missiles

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