
30/01/2019 - Governance

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January 30, 2019

Electoral quotas for women in India’s local self government has became one of the major instrument in empowering women. Analyse (200 Words)

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IAS Parliament 6 years


·        Gender quotas can create incentives for enduring economic and social equality if they provide women with resources to pursue enforcement of these rights in ways that open space for all parties to benefit.

·        India’s quasi-random implementation of these reservations to identify the impact of female representation on enforcement of historic reforms granting Hindu women equal rights to inherit property.

·        The 2005 national amendment to the Hindu Succession Act, granting roughly 400 million daughters rights to inherit ancestral property on par with sons.

·        Rural Economic Demographic Survey 2006 (REDS), collected by the National Council of Applied Economic Research, shows individual-level records of land inheritance and political participation for 8,500 households in 17 States.

·        Female elected leaders increase women’s ability to demand effective enforcement of economic rights via mobilising political participation and women’s social solidarity.

·        As women become more present in political institutions and more adept at negotiating power in public and private domains, official capacity to hear and respond to their domains has infinitely enlarged. Ex: Marriage negotiations raised voice of Women thereby curtailing effects of Dowry System.



Sandeep 6 years

Kindly review

IAS Parliament 6 years

Good attempt. Keep Writing

Nandadeep 6 years

Kindly review.thanks

IAS Parliament 6 years

Good answer. Keep Writing



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